Esse script é para facilitar a vida de quem usa muito os terminais do Linux. Sempre que você vai extrar um arquivo você tem que:
1- Verificar o formato do arquivo
2- Descobrir o programa que descompacta esse formato
3- Descobrir o processo de descompactar o arquivo
4- Descobrir se quando descompactado ele vai colocar tudo em uma pasta já ou não.
5- Descompactar na forma possível
6- Descobrir o nome da pasta aonde os arquivos extraídos ficaram
Então fiz esse script que resume esses 6 passos em apenas 1:
extract arquivo.qualquer_coisa
ele extrai o arquivo no formato que for e ainda MELHOR: se os arquivos não foram criados com uma pasta raiz, ao invés de ver todos seus arquivos descompactados jogados no seu desktop, ele cria a pasta ANTES e extrai os arquivos lá dentro.
e depois diz aonde ele está ;)
Por enquanto ele suporta apenas tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip e rar... é facilmente extensível e o código está bem comentado para ajudar a todos nessa tarefa
#!/bin/bash # Extract - Extract many formats of files, and create a root dir # if doesn't exists # # Copyright (C) 2008 Thomaz de Oliveira dos Reis # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
main_execute(){ # Parameters: 1- Command to get root directory[ies] inside the compressed file # 2- Filename without extension # 3- Extract command for the previous directory # 4- Extract command for this directory DIRETORIO=`eval $1` if (( `echo "$DIRETORIO" | wc -l` > 1 )) then DIRETORIO=$2 if ! [ -d $DIRETORIO ] then mkdir $DIRETORIO fi cd $DIRETORIO eval $3 >/dev/null else eval $4 >/dev/null fi echo "File(s) extracted at: $DIRETORIO" }
tar_execute(){ # 1- Command to get root directory[ies] inside the compressed file P1="tar -tf \"$1\" | cut -f1 -d/ | uniq" # 2- Filename without extension P2=`basename $1 | sed 's#.tar.gz$##g;s#.tar.bz2$##g;s#.tgz$##g'` # 3- Extract command for the previous directory P3="tar -$2xf \"../$1\"" # 4- Extract command for this directory P4="tar -$2xf \"$1\"" # Running main_execute "$P1" "$P2" "$P3" "$P4" }
zip_execute(){ # 1- Command to get root directory[ies] inside the compressed file P1="unzip -l \"$1\" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f5- -d' ' | sed 's#Name##g;s#-*##g;/^ *$/d' | cut -f1 -d/ | uniq" # 2- Filename without extension P2=`basename $1 | sed '$##g'` # 3- Extract command for the previous directory P3="unzip \"../$1\"" # 4- Extract command for this directory P4="unzip \"$1\"" # Running main_execute "$P1" "$P2" "$P3" "$P4" }
rar_execute(){ # 1- Command to get root directory[ies] inside the compressed file P1="unrar vb \"$1\" | cut -f1 -d/ | uniq" # 2- Filename without extension P2=`basename $1 | sed 's#.rar$##g'` # 3- Extract command for the previous directory P3="unrar x \"../$1\"" # 4- Extract command for this directory P4="unrar x \"$1\"" # Running main_execute "$P1" "$P2" "$P3" "$P4" }
# your_new_extension(){ # # 1- Command to get root directory[ies] inside the compressed file # P1="the list of files, one per line, with directories, inside $1 | cut -f1 -d/ | uniq" # # 2- Filename without extension # P2=`basename $1 | sed 's#.YOUR_NEW_EXTENSION$##g'` # # 3- Extract command for the previous directory # P3="extract command \"../$1\"" # # 4- Extract command for this directory # P4="extract command \"$1\"" # # Running # main_execute "$P1" "$P2" "$P3" "$P4" # }
if (( $# < 1 )) #Any file given? then echo "Missing files." echo "Usage: $0 files." exit 1 fi
while (( $# > 0 )) #Main Loop do if ! [ -f $1 ] then echo "File $1 does not exists!" else OK=0 if echo extracting $1 | grep tar.gz$ || echo $1 | grep tgz$ then tar_execute $1 z OK=1 fi if echo extracting $1 | grep tar.bz2$ then tar_execute $1 j OK=1 fi if echo extracting $1 | grep zip$ then zip_execute $1 OK=1 fi if echo extracting $1 | grep rar$ then rar_execute $1 OK=1 fi #if echo extracting $1 | grep YOUR_NEW_EXTENSION$ #then # YOUR_NEW_EXTENSION $1 # OK=1 #fi if [ OK == 0 ] then echo "Sorry, I don't know what to do with $1" echo "What do you think about extending this script to support it? :)" fi fi shift 1 done